Together, let’s make life a little easier for families with ASD
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Why Families With Autism Need Our Help, Support & Understanding
Understanding autism
People with Autism process the world differently. Some people with Autism can have significant challenges with social skills, communication and behavior.”
1 in 36 Children
1 in 36 children in the United States has ASD. This number has increased by approximately 600% in the last 25 years
Families Avoid Outings
91% of families with an ASD member regularly skip family outings or doctor appointments due to a lack of awareness and acceptance
Only 5% Feel Successful
Only 5% of families feel successful in finding businesses with staff trained to provide a better & more efficient experience for families with ASD
How AYSO Soccer Helps Build Confidence For All My Children
August 28, 2023
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People come into your life just when you need them most. I found myself recognizing one of those moments today during my neurotypical 8-year-old’s
How do we talk about Autism when we’re out in public?
October 20, 2022
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How do we talk about Autism in our families when we’re out in public? Do we identify it to everyone whose paths we cross? Do
ASD Resources & News
August 29, 2022
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Below are some ASD resources we have found helpful. We will continue to update as we find additional things to share. Autism Moving Forward Autism
Blog Updates
August 29, 2022
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Our Inspiration A Need For Autism Family Friendly Business Training When you have Autism in the family, it’s not all fun and games. No matter
What Do Our Clients And Their Customers Say About Us?s
"Our Crema crew was very excited to have access to this training. Not only does it help them be prepared to help anyone in need at work, but it helps them on a personal level too. They can take this training with them, if they have any family or friends who are on the spectrum, and they can also use this in any future employment they move on to!" Danielle DeKarske - Manager, Crema Cafe
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